Kubilai Khan investigations
S.O.Y - created in 1999
85 représentations

To throw away is to forget, to pick up is to refelect and dream. a voodoo song
Since the beginning, our meetings ressembled an artistic trading : the stage became a place for transactions leading to interrelationships between our different practices. On the stage, the arts of circus, dance, music and new technologies mingle together. What agreements, what disagreements will these opportunities for crossbreeding and for exchanging produce ? This framework, which is the basis of a “vibrant life ”, is being created through cross-disciplinarity.

This project builds on distance geography, wanderings and migrations. There are, among us, Japanese and Czech artists : together, we’ll look into the time spent beyond our borders : countries of Eastern Europe, the desert of Sinaï, Latin America, the Caribbean, Japan. Reflections on an intertwining world, an unstoppable process which mixes the ingredients of the world and leads to increased and varied cultural interaction. Reflections on the vastness of the world. Societies and men maintain the specificities of their identities and strive towards preserving such a world.
This vision focuses on the edges of the stage, its limits which are affected by an outer tension, the call of the outside, with its own reality. This particular part of the concept can be seen as a proposal of content. It can be seen as an aid against the dangers of generalized uniformization, against withdrawal into one’s own identity and being blocked in the face of all that the world can offer.
No confrontation can exist without a demonstration of otherness, without room for difference. For us, this is a sort of starting point. Dance is our approach to what is unknown in us, the slope which leads to the pleasures of the ‘first time, to the headiness of elsewhere. How can we act so that the same horizon does not settle everywhere ? How can we give space when we have a minority before us ?
Dancing means wanting space and time to be an invention.

Soy, in the Dogon language, means both “Fabric, weaving” and “This is the speech”. To be here at these meeting points, points of contact where our bodies meet in evolving other potentialities.
Kubilai Khan Investigations - Toulon, November 1998
This spectacle is dedicated to Laurent Letourneur

Distribution : Interpreters - Takumi Fukushima, Chiharu Mamiya, Cynthia Phung-Ngoc, Dimitri Jourde, Laurent Letourneur, Frank Micheletti, Rui Owada, Vladimir Vaclaveck
Lighting creation: Ivan Mathis
General management : Pierre Vigna
Sound management : Rémi Combret

Coproductions : Centre National de Création et de Diffusion Culturelle/Châteauvallon, Le Manège/Scène Nationale de Maubeuge, Le Carreau/Scène Nationale de Forbach et de l'Est Mosellan.
Avec le soutien de l'ADAMI.
21/11/2001 Institut français de Sofia, Bulgaria